moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   It didn't take long for Ms. Willey's credibility to get blown out of the water.
I think if Ken Starr did his homework she never would've appeared on 60 mis.
Sorry Ken, your little ruse to get this info out has backfired. If this was your 
gun I think you just shot yourself in the foot. How many holes does that make now?
   IIMO, she will never make it to a court room to either testify or be charged with
perjury. Today's revealing events again bolster my claim that this is nothing more 
than a
political witch hunt and the slandering of the president is now becoming criminal. I'm
beginning to think that the one person that should be investigated for obstruction of
and subbornation of perjury is the dishonorable Ken Starr himself.

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