Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Mac:

I don't believe it.  It is probably just another one of those stories
that is coming out of the woodwork like all these other stories.  <BG>

> Afternoon,
>     According to sources, close to the investigation of  Bill " The Swordsman" 
> there is a possibility that he has had ongoing sexual relationship with a woman by 
> name of "Hillary". There may be a child involved that has been shuffled off to the 
> coast to protect her privacy. The sources say they cannot verify them actually having
> sex but if the rumors are anywhere near the truth Ken Starr already has a supeana
> in hand and an offer of immunity for this "Hillary". A high ranking Republican has 
> that,...".If this can be confirmed and her credibility holds up it could be the end 
> Clinton's presidency..". A White House spokesperson will neither confirm nor deny
> this rumor but agreed that if true there are going to be alot of angry woman around 
> East Wing.
> ...Mac
May the leprechauns be near you to spread luck along your way.  And may
all the Irish angels smile upon you this St. Patrick's Day.

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