Hi Sue,

The report you printed said it came from the National Cancer Institute.  As
I mentioned I was careless in not noticing that the American Cancer Society
was used in the report.  The names seemed to be used interchangeably in the
when I reread it.

You yourself mentioned the article came from the NCI in one post.

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Terry:
>I am only familiar with the American Cancer Society.  I don't know
>anything about the National one.  I'm sorry.  The address at the end of
>this post, after yours, is for the American Cancer Society.
>> >Hi Terry:
>> >
>> >Yes the American Cancer Society did say something.  Here is a copy of my
>> >post from yesterday.
>> >
>> >Sue
>> I had read your report, Sue, and did not separate American Cancer Society
>> from National Cancer Institute.  I was going to look up NCI to see what it
>> is.  Can you tell me if is just an arm of the American Cancer Society or
>> >http://www.cancer.org/bottomnews.html
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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