Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Cops Say Principal, Pupil Had Sex

>           COSTA MESA, Calif. (AP) -- A former high school
>           assistant principal is accused of fathering a child
>           with a former student who now is expecting their second
>           baby.
>           Miguel Vivanco, 42, who resigned from Rancho Alamitos
>           High School in March, was charged Wednesday with two
>           counts of having unlawful sex with the teen-ager,
>           Deputy District Attorney Rebecca Heinlein said.
>           A police investigation found that the former student,
>           now 19, first became pregnant after at least two sexual
>           encounters with Vivanco in 1996.
>           Vivanco, who is married and has three other children,
>           was expected to turn himself in today. He could not be
>           reached for comment Wednesday.
>           A judge set bail at $75,000. If convicted, Vivanco
>           could get up to three years and eight months in prison.
>           Vivanco was hired by the school district in 1984 and
>           began working at Ranchos Alamitos in 1994, district
>           spokesman Alan Trudell said.
>           Several students said Vivanco seemed to favor girls,
>           sometimes waiving detentions for those who sweet-talked
>           him and wore revealing outfits.
>           ``He used to hug girls,'' Elizabeth Baltazar, 17, said.
>           ``My friend told me that he hugged her (so) tight that
>           she felt suffocated. That's just the way he was.''

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