Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

New Judge To Hear McDougal Cases

>           LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- The federal judge who ordered
>           Susan McDougal jailed for 18 months for civil contempt
>           removed herself Thursday from presiding over the
>           Whitewater figure's trial on a criminal contempt
>           indictment.
>           U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright cited previous
>           rulings against Mrs. McDougal in deciding not to hear
>           charges of criminal contempt and obstruction of
>           justice. The charges were returned by the Whitewater
>           grand jury that expired Wednesday.
>           The indictment of President Clinton's former business
>           partner was the only one brought by the grand jury that
>           met for two years.
>           Wright's recusal followed that of U.S. District Judge
>           Stephen M. Reasoner, who cited his friendship with
>           Wright and the possibility that attempts could be made
>           to force her to testify at Mrs. McDougal's trial.
>           Mrs. McDougal's lawyer, Mark Geragos of Los Angeles,
>           would not say Thursday whether he would try to subpoena
>           the judge to testify.
>           After Wright stepped down Thursday, the case was
>           randomly reassigned to U.S. District Judge George
>           Howard Jr., who also could refuse to hear it.
>           Howard presided over Mrs. McDougal's 1996 trial, in
>           which she was convicted of bank fraud with former
>           husband Jim McDougal and former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker.
>           Howard also is considering a motion by Geragos to count
>           the 18 months Mrs. McDougal spent jailed for contempt
>           against her two-year prison sentence for her 1996
>           conviction and to reduce the sentence to time served.
>           Mrs. McDougal is to be arraigned May 14 on her criminal
>           charges. No hearing has been set on the motion to free
>           her.

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