Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

There has been some stirrings concerning the Ramsey case, (A case I
doubt they'll ever get a conviction on due to the evidence handling, if
they even indict anyone.)

Comments by Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter suggest the JonBenet
Ramsey case is moving closer to a grand jury. 

Hunter says sending the 14-month-old investigation to a grand jury
has long been an option but is a ``more serious consideration'' now. He 
declined to elaborate. 

Cautioning that no final decision has been made, Hunter said the case  
that has received extraordinary media attention around the world could 
go to a grand jury by mid-year, possibly sooner. 

The prospect of the Ramsey mystery going to a grand jury is nothing
new, but Hunter's comments Monday about that route are his strongest 

(My thoughts, Hunter quit playing with the press, and do your job, it
seems you forgot that there was a little girl murdered and some of us
don't appreciate the game you have been playing for the past 15 months,
of leaks to the media and such, we would prefer someone be convicted of
murder instead of your ego being stroked).

Grand jury proceedings -- which are secret -- determine whether a  
possible suspect can be bound over for trial and are sometimes used when 
a witness refuses to testify. 

Authorities have not fingered any prime suspects but they say the  
child beauty queen's parents -- John and Patsy Ramsey -- remain ``under 
the umbrella of suspicion.'' 

The Ramseys were questioned by police last year but have declined
to be re-interviewed and thusfar have refused to allow detectives to
speak with their 10-year-old son, Burke. 

JonBenet's strangled and battered body was found in the basement of
the Ramsey home on Dec. 26, 1996, about eight hours after her mother 
told police she found a ransom note demanding $118,000. 

In other news concerning the case, A newspaper says detectives are  
almost certain nylon cord used to strangle child beauty queen JonBenet 
Ramsey came from a Boulder surplus store. 

The Boulder Daily Camera says police trying to find the kindergartner's
killer purchased the Boulder Army Store's entire stock of Stansport
white nylon utility cord last May 22. 

They sent samples to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for comparison
with the rope that was around the child's neck and right wrist when her
body was found in her Boulder home Dec. 26, 1996. 

Police had no comment on the report, and a co-owner of the store would
not discuss what detectives bought from the business, which is located a
short distance from Access Graphics, the firm owned by JonBenet's
Police believe JonBenet was strangled with a garrote that was tightened
with a broken paintbrush handle found in the Ramseys' basement. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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