Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I agree I don't think that it would ever leave her mind either.  But I
do think that under the circumstances that it would not be the first and
most important thing on her mind either.

I also think that if it did happen, over a period of a couple of months
or so when her mind was on her husbands death and the financial
problems, that the death of a spouse can bring on, possibly she talked
to Clinton as well as Hillary and the incident became less important to
her.  Or at the very least not something that she would dwell on.  Maybe
he even apologized to her, and they decided to put it away and try to
get on with their friendship.

This of course is just speculation, but I can honestly see it happening
this way.

Didn't I see news footage of Hillary and Clinton at her husbands
funeral.  I think I did.

> HI Sue,
> Yes the letters were dated and they were after the alleged incident.
> Also, she was very active in campaigning for Clinton's re-election in
> '96.
> I would think that her tragedy with her husband would have created an
> even higher level of anger and indignation about the incident if it
> happened the way she describes it.  I can understand why she would not
> want to report it, however.
> But I don't think something like that would ever leave her mind.  It
> would have to be a very traumatic thing to go through.
> Bill

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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