I am just copying an email written by Fabio Dell'Aria some time ago where
this issue was discused.
Hope you find it usefull.


-------------------------MAIL BEGIN---------------------------
Hi to all,

all we know how many new users do not uses lazarus because it create too BIG
compiled files.

We know that:

1)...the additional options are needed to can debug the project;
2)...just do a simple "strip --strip-all filename" reduce drastically the
final size (an empty project go from 12.5Mb to 1.2 Mb).

I think to have found a really simple solution to can continue to debug our
project with a really little size increasing.

Just remove all the debug-info from all the LCL object files to reduce the
final compiled file from 12.5Mb to ONLY 2Mb (on Windows).

We'll can continue to debug our projects but we'll CANNOT debug the LCL

To obtain this little miracle just use the following command (from the

For Windows:

FOR /R "Your_Lazarus_Folder" %v IN (*.o) DO strip --strip-debug "%~fv"

For Linux:

sudo find /your_lazarus_folder -name *.o -exec strip --strip-debug {} \;

What do you think about? ;)

Best regards...

Fabio Dell'Aria.

-------------------------MAIL END--------------------

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:35 AM, drew einhorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Mattias Gärtner
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Zitat von drew einhorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >  Run lazarus via gdb, reproduce the freeze, create a backtrace and send
> it. So
> >  this bug can be fixed.
> >
> Hmm.  I'm running Lazarus on Ubuntu not sure if I downloaded the .debs
> from the web
> or if they were automatically retrieved from a repository.
> Any way the executables are stripped and do not have any debugging info.
>  Do
> I need to rebuild lazarus from source first?
> --
> Drew Einhorn
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