
I know this is a off-topic, but here are quite diverse users lurking
around that could give some valuable feedback.

Luiz Americo recently create a custom fpGUI component and package so
Cairo could be used in fpGUI based applications. I saw he did the same
for LCL.

I read a bit on the Cairo website to see what it does. I don't really
know Cairo. It seems to be another SDL or AggPas, though it seems
pretty easy to use.

* Does anybody else know Cairo or used it before?

* What is your feeling about the library?

* Does it come standard with X11?  I read some docs on the net (dated
2000) that Cairo was an idea for a new graphics subsystem in X Windows
to take advantage of newer video cards emerging in the market. Did
that idea materialize? Is Cairo now considered standard with X11 like

* How is it's support on Windows or Mac OS X?

 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
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