I have in my app a TScrollBox (AutoScroll=True) with some controls  
created by hand as follow :

E := TEdit.Create(nil);
E.Parent := MyScrollBox;

Works fine under GTK2/Win32. However with Carbon TEdit and TMemo don't  
have a border and they are not properly drawn when scrolling in the  

I try to make a new and simple app to reproduce it but using the IDE  
to create controls (Lazarus with the Carbon Widgetset) and all works  
well, at runtime such as designtime (except the control selects the  
whole text then deselect it when you click on it).

Would the parameter `nil` (in `TEdit.Create(nil)`) be a problem with  
the Carbon WidgetSet ?


Damien Gerard

"Intelligence is 10 million rules."
    -- Douglas Lenat

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