Why don't you use subversion? It's much easier to update. You can get some information here: http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Getting_Lazarus


Peter Williams schrieb:
G'day All Lazarus people, from 'Down Under',

I think that I need to install the Lazarus and FPC 'daily snapshots'
-- since I've encountered a bug in Lazarus 0.9.24 which Mattias tells
me has been fixed in Lazarus 0.9.25 -- and the only way I think I can
get 0.9.25 is by using the daily snapshots of it.


I need to say that I'm only a newbie at Linux and even more of a
newbie at Kubuntu. I downloaded the .rpm files (3 of them) earlier
this morning... however, I don't know the exact command to enter at a
'root terminal'. Please refer to the attachment, which is plain text
copy of a 'root terminal' session & it shows that I tried to use the
'rpm' command of Kubuntu... but alas, I was fumbling around in the
dark 'cos I really didn't know the exact command to do this -- e.g.
I'll admit it -- I didn't really know what I was doing! { Hey, until
this morning I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a 'rpm'
command. }

Is it possible to have some kind of 'script' (I think they're called)
which would install these files by simply running the script?!?

Please tell me the *exact* commands which I would need to enter to
install the Lazarus & FPC files.

Best Wishes and Happy Debugging,


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