On 8/13/08, Peter Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My main question is: would I be better off using a TImageList?!? Can someone
> please post sample code. Note: I tried to run the TImageList example program
> for Lazarus... it compiles okay... but when run it does not find some of its
> files (BMPs) in the Image sub-folder of the example program. e.g. it gets a
> runtime error.

Answering to your main question, I have doubts if using TImageList
would be better. It isn't really designed to read fonts, and I don't
know how it would handle the multiple lines. Further, there is no
reason to beliave that it would be faster then your own code.

In short, well, no, I wouldn't bet in TImageList as a better solution.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
Lazarus mailing list

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