On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:03 AM, Hans-Peter Diettrich
> I have similar problems with the numpad, which I like to use for cursor
> comands. On Windows everything works as expected, but on Linux the SHIFT
> key toggles the numpad mode. That's a problem of the OS key handling,
> not of Lazarus. In an older SuSE version I could find an option
> "Windows-style numpad handling" (or so), which I couldn't find in
> openSUSE any more.

Under linux you should be able to make your own custom keymap file.
That's pretty much what the Programmer Dvorak install does. And it add
some extra features to the numpad. Pressing 'Right ALT' or 'ALT GR'
and then the numpad keys, you get Hex values, brackets etc.. eg:

  - Graeme -

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