Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> I added a new feature request for user defined code folding regions. I
> think such an addition to Lazarus editor would be very useful.  I
> especially think the "folded by default" option would be very handy.
> That way the editor can hide certain code by default, while the rest
> of the unit is expanded. Very handy for things like "auto generated"
> code from a Form Designer or something else, which the developer
> normally doesn't need to tamper with.
> Any thoughts on the above?  Anybody code folding code experience
> willing to take up the challenge in implementing something like this?

I answered you to the bug-tracker. But I will answer here to. Yes, this 
is known feature and once it will be implemented. Marin is working on 
synedit folding last few weeks and he made a big progress in bug fixing 
there. He also has plans to implement this feature:

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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