Zitat von Gabor Boros <gaborbo...@yahoo.com>:

> I discovered next things. Created new project and encoding is UTF8. It
> is good. But set encoding to CP1250 and go into File Settings/Encoding
> no check appears before any item.

Are you sure?
Is there a menu item with a bracket?

> But this problem showed only once.
> Second problem. The files created with UTF8 now. Right. But if set
> Encoding to CP1250 (after pressed Change file) File Settings/Encoding
> displays good CP1250 value but if reopen the project the File
> Settings/Encoding displays UTF-8 again.

Are there any CP1250 characters in the file?
The IDE does not save the information about the encoding. It only saves the text
in the encoding. If the file contains only ASCII characters, then setting CP1250
as encoding has no effect.
You can add {%encoding CP1250} as the first line.

BTW, why do you want to use CP1250 as encoding instead of UTF-8?


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