Alexander Klenin wrote:
> 2009/5/7 Bogusław Brandys <>:
>> In fact we see here old problem of two rights - both groups are right ,
>> partially.
>> While it would be nice to have as many nice features placed in one "Code
>> explorer" as possible - that WILL double windows, because someone not
>> using docking (due to limited free memory for example) will find faster
>> to use Ctrl+F12 to show not bloated window with unit names then bloated
>> code explorer.
>> So what would show Ctrl+F12 shortcut in such case ?
> Ctrl+F12 is a shortcut for "unit list", not "procedure list" Graeme
> was talking about.
> To me, this confusion is yet another argument that number of windows
> should be reduced ;-)

I know ,it was only an example on not bloated window ;-)

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