My understanding is that, Synchronize schedules execution of MyForm.MyMethod to main thread, so method is not executed until control is returned from event handler in MyForm. Right?
TThread.Synchronze pushes the procedure that is given as a parameter (including it's Self pointer) to the event queue and then the Therad that called TThread.Synchronize is stalled.

Some time later the main (GUI) thread will execute the scheduled procedure. When this call returns, the thread that called TThread.Synchronize is activated.

but what is relation between "main thread" and this "sheduled procedure" ? Can "sheduled procedure" jump into execution while main thread is still executing prior called form method ?

There also is TThread.Queue that works identically, only without stalling the thread.
yes, but I do not want this

But in my case happens, that method is executed while execution of event handler does not finished yet ... is it expected behavior ?

What is "that method"? If same is called by the thread after TThread.Synchronize, IMHO this can't be correct.

Yes this can happen.
MyForm.MyMethod is called also from event handler and also is used in Synchronize(@MyForm.MyMethod)
How can this happen/play role?

I have suspection that somewhere in Win32 widgetset is called CheckSynchronize as reaction on some message or so, which releases execution of MyForm.MyMethod ... but it is inappropriate, does not ?


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