On 05.05.2017 11:23, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus wrote:
Yes, this somewhat alleviates the problem; but this still is a single-byte TStrings, as opposed to the WideString
TStrings of Delphi. It's also still a single-byte filename argument.

Yes but you forget that unicode is also single-byte UTF-8. And the greatest thing about FPC: it fully supports "DefaultSystemCodePage := CP_UTF8".

Therefore you don't need WideString/UnicodeString file arguments and UnicodeString-TStrings to have full unicode support in current FPC.

Just use "DefaultSystemCodePage := CP_UTF8" and every single-byte string is unicode enabled.

Believe me, I use it in production without any problems: I have unicode-aware TStrings, I can read files with unicode names, I can do everything with plain FPC trunk.

I don't need a 100% UTF-16 Delphi-Compatible RTL for that at all. I can do that with current UTF-8 FPC RTL as well. (Honestly I think it's better for FPC to stick with UTF-8 and don't overcomplicate the RTL with UTF-16 support.)

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