On 16.08.2017 15:33, Juha Manninen via Lazarus wrote:
Why don't you implement such a system. This is all FOSS, free and open source.
I would never dare to try to edit the compiler :-[
You are writing about encodings etc. which are part of codepoints, but
you call them "characters". Why?
Because the type for this stuff used in Delphi and and FPC is called "char".

Is it possible you don't know Unicode beyond codepoints?
In fact I did not explicitly talk about Unicode at all. the paper says it:
"In this article, a "String" is thought of as a reference counted ordered array of a number of "Things" (aka elements). (I feel that this is what the name String suggests.)" ..."If the elements of the strings are printable characters or partial codes of UTF. OK, this is nice (provided the conversion functions are in place) and makes doing programs handling conventional problems very easy" ...
Do you have plans to tackle also the complex issues of Unicode?
Not at all.
If not, then your efforts are useless because codeunits and codepoints
are easy in any case.
I know. The intention was to handle a completely different problem from that you suggest here.
You use energy for a problem that does not
I wrote the paper because I once was requested to do so in the fpc forum.


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