Am 12.12.2017 um 18:24 schrieb Sergey Bodrov via Lazarus:

On Dec 12, 2017 6:52 PM, "Werner Pamler" < <>> wrote:

    If you don't mind I'll write a bug report for this part of your
    code. But a question before doing so: The original function
    ReadWLCEntries  returns a TChmWLCTopicArray, you put this into a
    var parameter and return a boolean value. But later you ignore the
    function result. Is there a special idea behind this?

Strange way to make changes, but I don't mind.

What is strange?

Why I disassemble your changes? In this case, you still would not have understood what this entire discussion is all about. Your sources will be rejected because the essential code is buried underneath tons of formatting changes. The developer who will review such a bug report will not simply take your sources and copy them over the official ones. He must understand what you changed, he must be able to study your sources for possible side-effects which the reporter often does not think of. With your code this is not possible. I think on the other hand, that it would be a pity if your work would not be considered. Therefore I joined this discussion. Now that I understood one of the issues you are fixing and was able to reproduce it I looked for differences between your code and the "official" one, and found that it would be sufficient to replace only a single procedure. With such a patch the reviewer knows what is fixed and how it is fixed. And my report ( gives him an easy way to verify that a bug exists and that the patch really fixes it.

Or is it strange that I write the bug report for you? I just wanted to help you. No problem if you write the next one yourself.

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