Thx Bart for the reply.
But where stands Value for?
I tried a recordcounter, but that was even worse.

Frans van Leeuwen
M 06-51695390

Op 25-1-2018 om 19:36 schreef Bart via Lazarus:
On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 7:27 PM, frans via Lazarus
<> wrote:
progressbar functions fine but when position=max, the progressbar visualy
never reaches the end.
Thank Uncle Bill for that.
The progressbar animates to the position you set it to.
This takes time.

If you do ProgressBar1.Position := ProgressBar1.Max and the
(physically) wait a while, it will get to full 100%.

The trick to get an immediate update is to decrement the position: no
animation, no waiting time.
Unfortunately this cannot be done for the 100% value.

I have some code in one of my apps like this to get rid of the animation:

   {$ifdef windows}
   if Value > 0 then
     //trick modern Windows to draw the position at once, otherwise you
never see the 100%
     ProgressBar.Position := Value - 1;
     ProgressBar.Position := Value;

If it bothers you, there are plenty of customdrawn progressbars out
there (or switch of themes, to get the old behaviour back).


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