
Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the failed login, my initial though was
to not add a "Failed login" dialog for security purposes. That is to not
tell people why nothing happened in an attempt to better secure your files.
Several people have already mentioned this problem, so I may add a failed
login dialog or message.

Regarding the Lazarus connection, I frequently post here about fpc and
lazarus, but also sometimes post other programming work if I feel it
overlaps with Lazarus. In this case I am attempting to write a webpage that
acts like a desktop app, something for which I'd always use Lazarus as my
first choice, that is desktop development. With this app I've made some
efforts to carry over desktop user interactions. Shift and control click
selection, some dialog looking things, inline renaming of files, arrow key
moves the current selection, and what not. As such I am interested in the
feedback of desktop developers and thought lazarus people might have a
perspective I wanted for feedback.

Anyhow thanks for your opinions. They are appreciated.
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