I cannot build current lazarus trunk on MacOSX, 64bits, not sure if the problem is because of my build environment or not.

I have successfully build lazarus for a very long time with the steps I do.

When I rebuild lazarus I get this error message:

Error: (11006) Illegal parameter: -vm6058

when compiling LazUtils.

I can workarround the problem by removing the following lines from lazutils.lpk:

          <IgnoredMessages idx6058="True"/>

I do not see an obvious problem in my buildsystem:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  staff       23  4 Dez  2017 /usr/local/bin/ppc386 -> ../lib/fpc/3.0.4/ppc386 lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  staff       23  4 Dez  2017 /usr/local/bin/ppcx64 -> ../lib/fpc/3.0.4/ppcx64

lrwxr-xr-x  1 ring  staff  25 24 Jun 11:49 /usr/local/bin/lazbuild -> ../share/lazarus/lazbuild

ppcx64 points to fpc 3.0.4 which is last official version so I guess all is fine.

Any ideas?


Here's more detail on what I am doing:

I first build lazarus with the following command:


make clean all CPU_TARGET=$CPU_TARGET LCL_PLATFORM=$LCL_PLATFORM OPT="-dLCLScaleForms -k'-framework' -k'ApplicationServices'" || exit 1

then I install lazarus to destination directory:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/lazarus

and then rebuild lazarus with lazbuild:

sudo chown -R ring:staff /usr/local/share/lazarus
lazbuild --build-ide= --ws=$LCL_PLATFORM --cpu=$CPU_TARGET $COMPILERSWITCH

When rebuild starts I get this error message:

Info: (lazarus) Execute Title="Compile package LazUtils 1.0"
Info: (lazarus) Working Directory="/usr/local/share/lazarus/components/lazutils/"
Info: (lazarus) Executable="/usr/local/bin/fpc"
Info: (lazarus) Param[0]="-B"
Info: (lazarus) Param[1]="-MObjFPC"
Info: (lazarus) Param[2]="-Scghi"
Info: (lazarus) Param[3]="-O1"
Info: (lazarus) Param[4]="-gw"
Info: (lazarus) Param[5]="-gl"
Info: (lazarus) Param[6]="-l"
Info: (lazarus) Param[7]="-vewnhibq"
Info: (lazarus) Param[8]="-vm6058"
Info: (lazarus) Param[9]="-Fu/usr/local/share/lazarus/packager/units/x86_64-darwin"
Info: (lazarus) Param[10]="-Fu/usr/local/share/lazarus/components/lazutils/"
Info: (lazarus) Param[11]="-FU/usr/local/share/lazarus/components/lazutils/lib/x86_64-darwin/"
Info: (lazarus) Param[12]="-O2"
Info: (lazarus) Param[13]="-g-"
Info: (lazarus) Param[14]="-Xs"
Info: (lazarus) Param[15]="lazutils.pas"

Error: (11006) Illegal parameter: -vm6058
Hint: (11007) -? writes help pages
Error: /usr/local/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode

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