On 10/19/2018 10:15 AM, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus wrote:
>  On my Linux + KDE system however icons of the IDE's main menuitems do not scale. > In KDE settings panel -> Fonts I set the "Force font's DPI" value to 144 which is about 150%.

I remember I worked on it:

1.) Gtk2: I added support for Gtk2. See screenshot. It works well for me if I use "xrandr --dpi 144x144" as it is suggested in http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/High_DPI

Your settings revealed a bug in Gtk2 bindings. Patch is attached.

2.) Qt: I wasn't able to add support of high-resolution icons in menus under Qt. My conclusion was that either Qt itself or LCL-Qt bindings do not support big icons in menus. When I used the correct size icon in the menu it was always (badly) downscaled to 16x16 pixels.

Probably the only solution is to use QProxyStyle class.
There's no QProxyStyle class in Qt4/Qt5 C bindings and to fix this problem it should be implemented with it's overrides. QProxyStyle can return any size for PM_SmallIconSize, but in that case we should know what's the current size of "normal" icons in LCL.

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