revised patch (ignore prev message about "Forms.pp function error").

Needs some testing on Carbon/Cocoa, because MK_ALT const is defined in Mac WS'es.


Index: lcl/interfaces/carbon/carbonproc.pp
--- lcl/interfaces/carbon/carbonproc.pp	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/interfaces/carbon/carbonproc.pp	(working copy)
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
   VK_SCROLL    : Result := MK_SCRLOCK;
   VK_SHIFT     : Result := MK_SHIFTKEY;
   VK_CONTROL   : Result := MK_COMMAND;
-  VK_MENU      : Result := MK_ALT;
+  VK_MENU      : Result := CarbonProc.MK_ALT; // see LCLType.MK_ALT
   VK_OEM_3     : Result := MK_TILDE;
 //VK_OEM_MINUS : Result := MK_MINUS;
   VK_OEM_PLUS  : Result := MK_EQUAL;
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
   if (ButtonState and 4)         > 0 then Inc(Result, MK_MButton);
   if (shiftKey    and Modifiers) > 0 then Inc(Result, MK_Shift);
   if (controlKey  and Modifiers) > 0 then Inc(Result, MK_Control);
-  if (optionKey   and Modifiers) > 0 then Inc(Result, $20000000);
+  if (optionKey   and Modifiers) > 0 then Inc(Result, LCLType.MK_ALT); // see CarbonProc.MK_ALT
   //DebugLn('GetCarbonMsgKeyState Result=',dbgs(KeysToShiftState(Result)),' Modifiers=',hexstr(Modifiers,8),' ButtonState=',hexstr(ButtonState,8));
Index: lcl/interfaces/cocoa/cocoautils.pas
--- lcl/interfaces/cocoa/cocoautils.pas	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/interfaces/cocoa/cocoautils.pas	(working copy)
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@
   VK_SCROLL    : Result := MK_SCRLOCK;
   VK_SHIFT     : Result := MK_SHIFTKEY;
   VK_CONTROL   : Result := MK_COMMAND;
-  VK_MENU      : Result := MK_ALT;
+  VK_MENU      : Result := CocoaUtils.MK_ALT; // LCLType.MK_ALT exists
   VK_OEM_3     : Result := MK_TILDE;
   VK_OEM_MINUS : Result := MK_MINUS;
   VK_OEM_PLUS  : Result := MK_EQUAL;
Index: lcl/interfaces/cocoa/cocoawscommon.pas
--- lcl/interfaces/cocoa/cocoawscommon.pas	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/interfaces/cocoa/cocoawscommon.pas	(working copy)
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
   if AModifiers and NSControlKeyMask <> 0 then
     Result := Result or MK_CONTROL;
   if AModifiers and NSAlternateKeyMask <> 0 then
-    Result := Result or $20000000;
+    Result := Result or LCLType.MK_ALT; // see CocoaUtils.MK_ALT
 class function TLCLCommonCallback.CocoaPressedMouseButtonsToKeyState(AMouseButtons: NSUInteger): PtrInt;
@@ -474,7 +474,8 @@
     IsSysKey := (Event.modifierFlags and NSCommandKeyMask) <> 0;
     KeyData := (Ord(Event.isARepeat) + 1) or Event.keyCode shl 16;
     if (Event.modifierFlags and NSAlternateKeyMask) <> 0 then
-      KeyData := KeyData or $20000000;   // So that MsgKeyDataToShiftState recognizes Alt key, see bug 30129
+      KeyData := KeyData or LCLType.MK_ALT;   // So that MsgKeyDataToShiftState recognizes Alt key, see bug 30129
+                                              // see CocoaUtils.MK_ALT
     KeyCode := Event.keyCode;
     //non-printable keys (see
@@ -844,7 +845,8 @@
   IsSysKey := (Event.modifierFlags and NSCommandKeyMask) <> 0;
   KeyData := (Ord(Event.isARepeat) + 1) or Event.keyCode shl 16;
   if (Event.modifierFlags and NSAlternateKeyMask) <> 0 then
-    KeyData := KeyData or $20000000;   // So that MsgKeyDataToShiftState recognizes Alt key, see bug 30129
+    KeyData := KeyData or LCLType.MK_ALT;   // So that MsgKeyDataToShiftState recognizes Alt key, see bug 30129
+                                            // see CocoaUtils.MK_ALT
   KeyCode := Event.keyCode;
   VKKeyCode := MacCodeToVK(KeyCode);
Index: lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3widgets.pas
--- lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3widgets.pas	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3widgets.pas	(working copy)
@@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@
     if AIsKeyEvent then
       Result := Result or KF_ALTDOWN
-      Result := Result or $20000000;
+      Result := Result or MK_ALT;
@@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@
     ShiftState := ShiftState + [ssShift];
   if AState and MK_CONTROL <> 0 then
     ShiftState := ShiftState + [ssCtrl];
-  if AState and $20000000 <> 0 then
+  if AState and MK_ALT <> 0 then
     ShiftState := ShiftState + [ssAlt];
   // MappedXY := TranslateGdkPointToClientArea(AEvent^.scroll.window, EventXY,
   //                                        {%H-}TGtk3Widget(AWinControl.Handle).GetContainerWidget);
Index: lcl/interfaces/mui/muibaseunit.pas
--- lcl/interfaces/mui/muibaseunit.pas	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/interfaces/mui/muibaseunit.pas	(working copy)
@@ -1574,9 +1574,9 @@
   Result := 0;
   if State and IEQUALIFIER_LALT <> 0 then
-    Result := Result or $20000000;
+    Result := Result or MK_ALT;
   //if State and IEQUALIFIER_RALT <> 0 then
-  //  Result := Result or $20000000;
+  //  Result := Result or MK_ALT;
   //writeln('ShiftState AROS: ', HexStr(Pointer(State)), ' and ', HexStr(Pointer(IEQUALIFIER_LALT)),' -> ', HexStr(Pointer(Result)));
Index: lcl/interfaces/qt/qtwidgets.pas
--- lcl/interfaces/qt/qtwidgets.pas	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/interfaces/qt/qtwidgets.pas	(working copy)
@@ -3818,7 +3818,7 @@
     if AIsKeyEvent then
       Result := Result or KF_ALTDOWN
-      Result := Result or $20000000;
+      Result := Result or MK_ALT;
     // $20000000;
   { TODO: add support for ALT, META and NUMKEYPAD }
@@ -3965,7 +3965,7 @@
     Msg.State := [ssShift];
   if (ModifierState and MK_CONTROL) <> 0 then
     Msg.State := [ssCtrl] + Msg.State;
-  if (ModifierState and $20000000) <> 0 then
+  if (ModifierState and MK_ALT) <> 0 then
     Msg.State := [ssAlt] + Msg.State;
   LastMouse.WinControl := LCLObject;
Index: lcl/interfaces/qt5/qtwidgets.pas
--- lcl/interfaces/qt5/qtwidgets.pas	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/interfaces/qt5/qtwidgets.pas	(working copy)
@@ -3740,7 +3740,7 @@
     if AIsKeyEvent then
       Result := Result or KF_ALTDOWN
-      Result := Result or $20000000;
+      Result := Result or MK_ALT;
     // $20000000;
   { TODO: add support for ALT, META and NUMKEYPAD }
@@ -3888,7 +3888,7 @@
     Msg.State := [ssShift];
   if (ModifierState and MK_CONTROL) <> 0 then
     Msg.State := [ssCtrl] + Msg.State;
-  if (ModifierState and $20000000) <> 0 then
+  if (ModifierState and MK_ALT) <> 0 then
     Msg.State := [ssAlt] + Msg.State;
   LastMouse.WinControl := LCLObject;
Index: lcl/lclintf.pas
--- lcl/lclintf.pas	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/lclintf.pas	(working copy)
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
   if GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 then Include(Result, ssShift);
   if GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 then Include(Result, ssCtrl);
   if GetKeyState(VK_LWIN) < 0 then Include(Result, ssMeta);
-  if KeyData and $20000000 <> 0 then Include(Result, ssAlt);
+  if KeyData and MK_ALT <> 0 then Include(Result, ssAlt);
Index: lcl/lcltype.pp
--- lcl/lcltype.pp	(revision 59355)
+++ lcl/lcltype.pp	(working copy)
@@ -2836,6 +2836,7 @@
   MK_QUADCLICK = $200;
+  MK_ALT = $20000000;
 // Constants from commctrl
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