quote: This demo evokes the style of the 1980s synthwave music culture using Free Pascal.

I don't remember that synthwave culture. I lived in the damned communist USSR at 1980's, we did not have any synthwave. Only soviet music (==by 60% it's bad copied western music) + some (not all) hits from the west (Abba, Beatles, some rocks bands, not much, some Italian singers). Lack of hardware to play the music. Some ppl had the vanilla players, some had audio-casette players, my family did have only vanilla player, later we got soviet auto-casette player, and I asked my family to bye me ONE auto-casette per month, they were expensive. And we had queues, queues in the grocery shops 'UniverSams'. Shops which lacked many required food products (meat was rare, fish was appeared even more rare).

In the childhood, we were teached at the schools about the doings of 'grandfather Lenin', the mass murderer of early USSR. In 2010-2020s, we are teached about the doings of Stalin, the mass murderer of 1930-1953. He ruled after Lenin. This is damned country.

On 30.11.2021 02:33, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:
On this page <https://www.getlazarus.org/videos/physics/synthwave/> is the video and source code of the project.


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