i have compiled lazarus r 21928 with qt45 and
bindings libqt4intf v1.72.

The demo "lclwebkit2" from the homepage of 
libqt4intf gives 10 errors, what is going wrong?

settingsdlgu.pas(45,5) Warning: Destructor should be public
settingsdlgu.pas(44,17) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor 
settingsdlgu.pas(33,46) Hint: Parameter "CloseAction" not used
main.pas(79,17) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor 
TWebPanel.Create(TWinControl, QNetworkAccessManagerH, TEdit, TProgressBar);"
main.pas(292,99) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "TMethod", 
expected "<procedure variable type of procedure of object;CDecl>"
qt45.pas(622,13) Hint: Found declaration: 
QObject_hook_hook_destroyed(QObject_hookH, QObject_destroyed_Event); CDecl;
main.pas(305,51) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "TMethod", 
expected "<procedure variable type of procedure(QUrlH) of object;CDecl>"
qt45.pas(13497,11) Hint: Found declaration: 
QWebView_hook_hook_urlChanged(QWebView_hookH, QWebView_urlChanged_Event); CDecl;
main.pas(308,52) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "TMethod", 
expected "<procedure variable type of procedure of object;CDecl>"

...and much more.

Regards Th. Moritz

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