I've trying to write an embedded webserver that using the LazWeb framework and I'm at loss once again.

I've created a web module and it is set to register like this:

RegisterHTTPModule('mymodule', Tdatasrv);

At runtime, the module cannot be found and what is more, the application is NOT linking in fpHTTP unit. I put a break point in the initialization section of my webmodule where the RegisterHTTPModule method is called and try to step into the procedure but it just skips over it. When the module is called (looked for) FindModule method of ModuleFactory says that it is not registered.

I've tried putting break points inside the fpHTTP unit for FindModule and other methods and execution will not stop there. In fact, the coloring of the breakpoint indicates that it is somehow optimized out or just not linked into the application and in practice that is what is happening.

I've tried referencing the fpHTTP unit in my web module's unit, I've also tried including the whole weblaz package as a required and still nothing. I checked my environment options and all paths look right.

Lazarus 0.9.29 with fpc 2.2.4 snapshot from 4-5 days ago on Windows Vista.

Also, can anyone using weblaz framework comment on how well its working out? How do you debug an application? Seems like it would be difficult without the use of an embedded server to test your modules with.

Warm Regards,


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