Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 00:27:20 +0000
Martin <> wrote:

Further thought about auto indent (for paste) and syncro/template

I disabled auto indent during syncro/template editing.
you need the same for TSynPluginTemplateEdit (template edit, which includes it's own syncro mode)

   FSyncroEdit := TSynPluginSyncroEdit.Create(FEditor);

- the line-range will be too big.
- the inital caret position will be unusable. because the if any cell was above the caret pos, then the text will have moved downwards,
while the initial caretpos would still be on top

syncro and template edit are created in Sourceeditor around line
2565. They are owned and destroyed by synedit (however synedit only
knows they are plugins, and has no idea what they do)

SourceEditor could keep a reference to the syncro and template module.

Both of them have an Active property. If it is true, you should not indent-on-paste

The alternative is to have an "OnBeforePaste" event, and modify the
text to be pasted, *before* synedit inserts it
(or keep the to-be-pasted text, and act backwards on the final caret

I guess this is the better solution for ecPaste.
Can you add such an event?

Yes, the question is, if it is ok for codetools, since it would be called before the paste => that is you have to interpret the to-be-pasted text before it is part of the source

At the moment you can indent based on the complete source *after*  the paste

The alternative is a combination:
- in the OnPaste event you store the text to be pasted (as well as the mode normal, column ....) - in the OnIndent, you take the final caret pos and you know how far to go back (since the pasted text always ends at the final caret pos)

I'll update you, when I got it done.


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