Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> 2009/11/11 Hess, Philip J <>:
>> No idea. Maybe the lhelp develop knows the answer.
> I doubt the Mac help viewer can. After all, CHM is a Microsoft format.
>> Hasn't CHM been abandoned by Microsoft due to security concerns?
> It has been replaced by Microsoft Help 2 - yet another format. But CHM
> is still popular and used often.
> As for the security concerns - in that case Microsoft should drop
> Windows, Office, IE, etc... ;-)

Just to add some wood to the fire. I've implemented locally a reader for
MSHelp 2 files. It only can read the file format and extract files so
far. It doesn't yet know how to read the internal files that contain the
toc, index or any other feature of the format(and may never if I don't
find a spec).  :)



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