build "lnetvisual" with Lazarus (qt) gives errors, but "lnetbase" is OK.
(x86_64 _and_ i586 Lazarus svn)
Here is the output:

Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.0 [2010/01/06] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2009 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling lnetvisual.pas
Compiling lclnet.pas
lclnet.pas(45,15) Error: Forward declaration not solved 
lclnet.pas(46,15) Error: Forward declaration not solved 
lclnet.pas(47,15) Error: Forward declaration not solved 
lclnet.pas(48,15) Error: Forward declaration not solved 
lclnet.pas(50,15) Error: Forward declaration not solved 
lclnet.pas(58,14) Error: Forward declaration not solved 
lclnet.pas(81) Fatal: There were 6 errors compiling module, stopping
TExternalToolList.Run Exception: 
/home/mori/Lazarus_qt45/lnet/lazaruspackage/lclnet.pas(81) Fatal: There were 6 
errors compiling module, stopping
ERROR: tool reported error

Build with gtk2 is OK!

Best regards!

Th. Moritz

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