On 10/6/10 4:48, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 14:45:34 +0100
Howard Page-Clark<h...@talktalk.net>  wrote:

On 08/6/10 8:10, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 23:54:22 +0100
Howard Page-Clark<h...@talktalk.net>   wrote:

There is a minor bug in the very useful example application dircleaner.
The unit dircleaner.pp around line 441 has


to check if the current file under consideration fits the specified file

This test is too simple since it does not look for an exact match.
Suppose FWorkExt contains 'PPU' and the current file extension is 'PP'.

The program will delete all the .pp files it finds, as well as all the
.ppu ones. The test has to be stricter.

I improved it. Please test.

Your improvement fixes that bug, thanks.
However I could not get the confdirs project to compile and run without
errors on Windows 7 until I commented out

confdirs.lpr line 15    {$R manifest.res}

Fixed. Please test under windows7

Now compiles fine under Windows 7.

frmmain.pp line 870     writeln('Adding', Loc[i].Name);


Also the FileActions tabsheet of the main config pagecontrol does not
work properly. New actions are not shown, or the app crashes if an
'invisible' (but selected) action is deleted. I see that frmmain.pp line
990 has this comment in the method ShowFileActionItem(LI: TListItem):

// Bug in control: the items list is cleared!!
// UpdateActionLocations(FLocations);

Is the source of this bug known, and if so is the bug in the bugtracker?

Please create a bug report.

Bug report created 10.6.2010


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