nice! sometimes the solution is simpler than you think :)

patient - if i do this it hurts,
doctor - don't do it then

you could consider
- check for locked resources after suspending the thread, resuming locking
thread of necessary
- a 'server' thread that other threads send messages to, a bit like a
database server but for your imaginary app.
- theres probably plenty of ideas to resolve/work around this if you search

On 21 September 2010 12:52, Steve Smith <> wrote:

>  Imagine your thread has locked a major resource, now you suspend
>> that thread. A instant deadlock occurs because that thread will
>> never release that resource.
>>  Of course it will.  It's called a bug.  If I write moronic code, it
> will cause problems, whether it's single or multi threaded.  Using
> this as a justification for the use or non-use of threads is like
> saying you can't use divide because some muppet might try and divide
> by zero and crash the code!
> I look forward to the day when my OS starts scheduling my application
> using OnIdle events.
> --
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