I am starting out with Lazarus now and decided to do it
in Ubuntu 10.04-2, which I installed this week-end.

One thing I don't know how to convert is the way we store
program configuration data in our Windows programs. We usually
write all these into ini files, which we drop off in the
program directory. This is not really the accepted way even
in Windows, where you are supposed to store the config in a
completely different location than the program folder.

I realize that on Linux it is probably the same and that there
exists some agreed system for such storage so that people
can find the config files...

So can I get some advice on:
- What is the common way to store config data on Linux?
  Ini files are probably not used since they are Windowsisms,
  but is there some other easily used way where one can simply
  store and retrieve individual values without scanning through
  a text file?

- Where is the agreed location for such data?

- And in fact where is the agreed location for the programs 

Bo Berglund

Lazarus mailing list

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