Στις 20/11/2010 1:46 μμ, ο/η Martin έγραψε:
On 20/11/2010 11:03, Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis wrote:
Hi all,

i realize that Lazarus is a "hobby" / volunteers project but is it possible to use some sort of Continuous Integration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration ) ?

I used Bamboo for a while, 4 years ago, and it was definitelly an improvement for that projects team. At least it gaves us an early indication that the commits was making the poject unbuildable.

Well that is more or less what we do. (Though i can't speak for everyone, just my experience, and what I see in terms of others commits).

Sorry i don't understand.

Your daily involvement with the Lazarus project, includes building trunk 2 - 3 times, to see that projects builds, at least for the most interesting platforms ?

If that is the case, isn't this a waste of time ?

just my 2 ( pick your fav currency ;) )

Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis

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