2011/1/4 Bo Berglund <bo.bergl...@gmail.com>

> Well, there were two different problems:
> 1) My intrinsic lack of Fortran know-how
> 2) The fortran code failed to translate when it turned out that
> Fortran could change the type of a matrix multiplication depending on
> the dimensions of the two input matrices.
> Sometimes the output was a simple vector and sometimes a true 2-d
> matrix and I failed to undretand how to translate these functions.
> It seemed like Fortran didn't give a damn about variable types and
> since Pascal is so strongly typed this made a big clash.
> I converted a fair amount of them but when I reached this problem I
> had a lot to go and gave up.....

Interesting. I don't know Fortran either but it looked like it could map
directly to Pascal.
Apparently it does not.

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