On 12/1/11 9:27, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 10:26 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd
<markmll.laza...@telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
How about a Capcha that was a coding problem?

Some users do not speak english very well, so they may not understand
the problem that we are trying to express.

But they speak Pascal, otherwise why are they trying to register?

function a(b, c: integer): integer;

function d(c, b): integer;

b:= c + d

a:= d(c, c)

What does a(2, 3) return?

Mark I think you can do better than that!

Assuming you meant to write

function d(c, b: integer): integer; etc.

it is still a nonsense, a function that tries to alter non-var parameters and has an undefined result.

It's OK to give newcomers to the forum a slight hurdle before entry, but not to offer them this sort of hopeless hoop that can't be jumped through, and suggests that the users of the forum can't write valid Pascal!


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