Am 04.03.2011 14:42, schrieb Marco van de Voort:
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:23:44AM -0300, Alexsander Rosa wrote:
Ok, thanks. The bugtrack "roadmap" page has 3.0.0 only, probably I was
looking in the wrong place.

See for a short summary about

Where do I find the roadmap for 2.6.0? Is there a way to filter the issues
list to show what's missing?

FPC does not maintain roadmaps and the featureset of a major branch is more
or less based on what is in SVN on the moment of branching. There is of
course some communication about that, but it is mostly internal and

That being said, specially when branching a major branch, it is hard to get
an overview what has been added but not merged (for e.g. the release
manifest), and some more administration on this front wouldn't be bad.

Something like Jonas did with User changes, and then for all features, not
just the breaking ones.

I don't know whether I've understood your intention right, but what about this: ?


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