Hi Ido,

From: ido...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 21:49:02 +0200
To: lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org
Subject: [Lazarus] TVirtualStringView (new trunk) and issues with items display


>I have created the demo of TVirtualStringView from the wiki (with few 
>changes), and when I compile it, it just display the first char of the caption 
>of each item, rather then the whole string.

>By Using gdb, I found out that on the TVirtualStringView side, the 
>FOnGetText(Self, Node, Column, TextType, Text); line (VirtualTres.pas, line 
>31376) have only one char, while on the original code it does have the full 

>I tried to convert the string (It's only ascii a-z0-9) to UTF-8 thinking 
>that's the problem, but it is not.

>I'm using Lazarus 0.9.31 r30000M FPC 2.5.1 x86_64-linux-gtk 2

>Is there a bug in the new component, or am I doing something wrong ?

I just tried to install VirtualTreeView for the first time and I get these 
warnings and 1 error:

 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "hwnd" not used
 Hint: Parameter "pDropTarget" not used
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "hwnd" not used
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "pDataObj" not used
 Hint: Parameter "pDropSource" not used
 Hint: Parameter "dwOKEffects" not used
 Hint: Parameter "pdwEffect" not used
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "pvReserved" not used
 Hint: Parameter "_para1" not used
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "pDataObj" not used
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "ppDataObj" not used
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "pDataObj" not used
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "hGlobal" not used
 Hint: Parameter "fDeleteOnRelease" not used
 Hint: Parameter "stm" not used
 Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
 Hint: Parameter "_para1" not used
 Hint: Parameter "_para2" not used
 Hint: Parameter "_para3" not used
 Hint: Parameter "_para4" not used
 Hint: Parameter "_para5" not used
 Hint: Parameter "OwnerHandle" not used
 Hint: Parameter "Position" not used
 Hint: Parameter "ClipRegion" not used
 Note: Private field "TVirtualPanningWindow.FOwnerHandle" is never used
 Hint: Local absolutevar "SrcDC" is not used
 Note: Local variable "SrcContext" not used
Hint: Value parameter "Source" is assigned but never used
Hint: Parameter "Bits" not used
Hint: Parameter "Width" not used
Hint: Parameter "Height" not used
Hint: Parameter "Row" not used
Hint: Parameter "Bitmap" not used
 Hint: Unit "gtk2proc" not used in VTGraphics
 Error: Identifier not found "TLMContextMenu"
 Warning: An inherited method is hidden by 
 Warning: An inherited method is hidden by 
Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping

VirtualTrees - line 2481
    procedure WMContextMenu(var Message: TLMContextMenu); message 

How did you get VirtualTrees.pas to compile???

Best Regards,
Peter / pew


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