On 3/30/2011 09:49, michael.vancann...@wisa.be wrote:

On Wed, 30 Mar 2011, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
I dare to disagree. A SVN checkout is writeable, and this is where the EXE is
stored, along with the related source files. Consequently the config should be
stored there as well.

No, no and once more: no.

This is a typical Windows user reasoning which is total nonsense on unix.
You should never ever leave a config file or an executable in a source
directory, it's plain wrong to do so. I don't know a single unix application
that does this.


Config files belong in 1 of 3 places:

under /etc/myapp
under ~/.myapp
under ~/config/myapp

If you want to support multiple configurations, create subdirectories of
these directories, period.


Don't try to force Windows habits on Unix users.

+1000000 and lets see about teaching winwhatever users about this and how it should actually be done... m$ has finally gotten some of the right idea(s) and does, now, provide similar directories for similar purposes... ie: documents and settings which leads to specific user directories with "local" directories containing certain installation specific files like these ;)

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