On 5/15/2011 12:13 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:


In the light of recent fppkg and fcl-web discussions:

I've committed simple HTTP server (threaded or not) and HTTP Client components
to FCL-Web. They work using the fcl-net ssockets unit. (for which a fix has been
committed as well). Both use blocking sockets.

The server component is integrated in the rest of fcl-web, the client is rather
Both are designed to be easily extensible.

There are examples of how to use both. The server example for instance allows
files to be served and will properly report a 404 when a file is not found.

To do this, I committed a fpmimetypes unit to fcl-base, so the server can
correctly determine the mime type of a file.
It can read the contents of a mime.types file as found on unix.

if someone knows where this file can be found (or related information) on a
Windows OS, please let me know.

This is an initial implementation. Known to-dos:
* Maybe add proxy support ?
* Easy access methods for POST/DELETE etc. commands.
(currently only Get exists as a method, the rest can easily be done with

* Create a TWebHandler and THTTPWebApplication for use as a Lazarus project.

Comments and suggestions welcome. Please report bugs in the bugtracker.


Great stuff Michael. I can see many uses for the HTTPClient alone without having to use a third libraries.

Any idea when THTTPWehHandler/THTTPWebApplication objects will be included? I imagine its a bit of work. It would make development of fpweb applications a lot easier and more convenient though. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the innards of fpweb unfortunately.

Warm Regards,


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