On 5/17/2011 9:00 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
On 17/05/2011 14:53, Marcos Douglas wrote:

Yes, nice work... but what is the problem about third libraries?

Nothing per se. But having some vital functionality included in FPC just
makes it so much easier to get a new developer system up and running
(less to install and configure). Not to mention the fact that if it is
included in FPC, it stands a better chance of being maintained and
tested with each new FPC release. There are down sides as well... It
might be harder to get commit access to some code living in the same
repository as FPC.

Right. I personally like and enjoy using synapse sockets library, but for simple http client access, I don't have to include it solely for that purpose. In a nutshell, my position is if I don't have to use a 3rd party library, I don't.

In addition to Graeme's excellent points, the need to prevent bloat notwithstanding, I think its a common pattern among programming platforms to support at least some usable high level objects for common coding in today's world, out of the box. Built in high level tcp/http abstractions are expected if you're coming from just about any other modern programming language/platform out there. High level abstractions for common things like XML, JSON, encryption, sockets are necessary and everyday tools in much of today's programming projects and other languages have helped set the bar in terms of what core functionality is expected for a modern programming platform.

Of course we understand this is all dictated by the specific dynamic of fpc/lazarus's respective developments, contributors' time and expertise, etc.

Warm Regards,


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