Read reply to point 8 first, before trying all the other stuff, if at all...

On 23/06/2011 20:12, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
6) The default font in the Lazarus Source window is absolutely
hideous! Very pixelated and not anti-aliased. Going to the editor
settings, it said it is using Monaco-12, but what is actually being
used is a mystery, because it definitely was not Monaco font. I
launched the font dialog to select a different font. The OS font
dialog showed a preview of Monaco font, and again - nothing like what
is used in the editor. I have a screenshot of that too, if it will
help. Selecting Monaco-12 in the font dialog and closing the dialog,
Lazarus IDE did not update the editor font. I had to physically change
the font size to something other than 12pt before the editor options
preview window updated. Strangely enough, select Close to accept the
new editor changes, the editor font still displayed the very pixelated
text. Still not Monaco font either. It seems Lazarus IDE doesn't like
Monaco font at all. :)

I understand Monaco is supposed to be fixed width?

Default is at line 1348 (SynEdit.pp)
  {$IFDEF LCLcarbon}
    SynDefaultFontName   := 'Monaco'; // Note: carbon is case sensitive
    SynDefaultFontHeight := 12;
    {$DEFINE SynDefaultFont}

If you select from options dialog, does Monaco work in other sizes?
Does the "AntiAliasing Checkbox" make a difference?

SynEdit.pp Line 7619 an dfollowing:

procedure TCustomSynEdit.RecalcCharExtent;
  i: Integer;
  with FFontDummy do begin
// Keep GTK happy => By ensuring a change the XFLD fontname gets cleared
    Pitch := fpVariable;
    Style := [fsBold];
    Pitch := fpDefault; // <<<<============ this line <<<<================

Try different values there, see if it helps?

7) Still being stuck on the unknown font in the editor window, there
is some rather strange behaviours. eg: Select a line of text from left
to right makes the text "jiggle" (changing there widths) as I select
more and more text.

I Remember that was fixed once......

Can you compile with SYNFONTDEBUG defined, and get console output, or logfile?

Can you test, if it works, if you set "ExtraCharSpacing" to either 1 or -1 (or anything, but 0)

8) To got the source code editor to some sane font, I had to resort to
selecting a totally different font, Courier-13 for example, and
pressing OK, finally updated the editor. But still the editor text is
not anti-aliased, which it was in the Options Dialog preview window!

*** Read me first ***

Now this is odd...

Are the setting saved to the editoropions.xml? (Take a copy of the initial, and then make diffs, after the changes // Or check if they persist on restart.)

If they are saved, are they applied (or still ignored) after restarting lazarus?

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