On 08/12/2011 11:44 AM, michael.vancann...@wisa.be wrote:
> That depends. Does MSEIDE offer the same features ?

I'm not arguing feature vs feature. Each IDE has there own unique
features, and both have many features in common too. I simply tested the
features in common. eg: Loading and managing a project, debugging an
app, code navigation via Ctrl+Click, syntax highlighting enabled with
the same color scheme, Search, Search & Replace, various project option
changes etc. All features both IDE's support. But using those common
features, Lazarus uses 5-10 times more memory? That doesn't sound right
to me.

And as I said, that's with a small project. Using much larger projects,
Lazarus IDE memory usage jumps considerably by the end of a working day.
MSEide I on the other hand hardly changes its memory usage. In fact, I
don't think I have ever seen MSEide go over 25MB memory in normal usage
for a whole day.

I just tested this again. I have a Quad Core system with 4GB memory,
running Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit. Using Lazarus (latest stable
version). Opening 208 units in one folder with Lazarus took around 15
seconds to complete. Opening that same 208 units in MSEide took around 1
second to complete. Then doing a complete recompile of all units.

memory usage after the above:
  Lazarus IDE (gtk2):  145MB
  MSEide:               31MB

The same task, but a huge difference in memory usage!

Yes, having 4GB of memory makes this hardly a concern. But keep on
thinking like that, and soon Lazarus will perform like Java's Eclipse
IDE, requiring a minimal of 1GB just to edit text. Any software project
needs to pay attention to performance on a regular basis. This weeds out
sloppy code. This is all I wanted to bring to light. Lazarus memory
usage seems to jump a lot with each new release. Maybe with the
preparation for a 1.0 release this trend can be reversed.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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