On Sunday, 4 March 2012, Michael Van Canneyt <michae****.org> wrote:

Latex applies the styles
> automatically, which is one of the reasons I forced it on the help
writers here in the company.

Technically, in is not done automatically. You have to tell latex that you
are working on a chapter, section, subsection etc. You also have to tell it
which type of document you are working with, so the correct styling can be
applied. That's exactly the same as in OpenOffice when you double click on
a style (but without having to escape English text characters). ;-)

But, like you educating your office, I like to educate people to use
OpenOffice (also applies to other products) correctly by using styles. It's
just a matter of  them changing some habits.

> Anyway, enough about wordprocessors :)

+1.    :-)


  - Graeme -

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