On 3/7/2012 18:20, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Wed, 07 Mar 2012 14:54:37 -0500
waldo kitty<wkitt...@windstream.net>  wrote:
echo compiling lazarus...
cd %myLAZpath%

make clean lazbuild OPT="-glw2"

lazbuild --build-ide=
echo lazarus compilation complete...

ok... still trying to fully understand... sorry :(

are you saying that i should have the following? (the OPTS are taken from the options in the attached Debug IDE screen shot)

echo compiling lazarus...
cd %myLAZpath%
make clean lazbuild OPT="-gw -gl -godwarfsets -gh -gt -Co -Cr -Ci -Sa"
echo lazarus compilation complete...

those are for my "Debug IDE" but i don't want all those options for the optimized and normal IDEs... in fact, those OPT options do not exist in the normal profile and they are different in the optimized profile...

and it will be the same thing as if i started lazarus and used the tools->build
lazarus option?

if one has several build lazarus options in place, can lazbuild be told to use a
certain one? eg: i have normal, debug and optimized build options...

But you can pass the options in --build-ide="your options".

alright... having read over this numerous times, like this then???

echo compiling lazarus...
cd %myLAZpath%
echo   Debug IDE
make clean lazbuild --build-ide="-gw -gl -godwarfsets -gh -gt -Co -Cr -Ci -Sa"
copy lazarus.exe lazarus-debug.exe
echo   Normal IDE
make clean lazbuild --build-ide=
copy lazarus.exe lazarus-normal.exe
echo   Optimized IDE
make clean lazbuild --build-ide="-O2 -g- -Xs"
copy lazarus.exe lazarus-optimized.exe
echo lazarus compilation complete...

so what about the "DEBUG" and "VERBOSE" check boxes? and the all important "update revision.inc"?

<<attachment: config laz - debug ide.png>>

<<attachment: config laz - normal ide.png>>

<<attachment: config laz - optimized ide.png>>

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