Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
I did some tests here and I guess this is simply the normal size of an
app if you use ComCtrls. 1,5MB was for a minimal app with a form and
some buttons. ComCtrls alone adds 1MB You can check this in the menu
Project->Show used ppu files (might be 0.9.31+ only).

I get rather larger here but I'll take another look at that later- thanks for the "Show used" hint.

Still I find it a quite small size for our days. If you were using
Gtk2 directly then your Windows build would have 150MB or something
like that =) About Delphi 7, remember that it is a single-platform
toolkit which just wraps the Windows API for most of what it does and
is from 10 years ago. The LCL has it's own code to load image files in
many formats for example.

A minimal HD these days has 250GB, so it is unlikely that a program
which uses 0,001% of the HD will make any difference.

The iPhone SDK size is 4GB (they make you download XCode again even if
you already have it), now that's big =) Actually big enough to
potentially push me over my internet limit =(

A cheap Android HTC Wildfire phone comes with 2GB of storage, so even
there your app is still aprox. 0,1% of the space =)

I'm in two minds over this. As I said, I want the app to be a useful Lazarus showcase as well as "scratching an itch". What I've done is basically a transcription of something that somebody originally wrote for Delphi which compiles to about 150Kb, which makes the Lazarus implementation look a bit bloated. On the other hand somebody else has rewritten it using MSC++ which as well as having a 270Kb binary also requires the author's own DLLs plus runtimes from MS... which makes Lazarus look pretty damn good.

But the bottom line is that the target audience is IBM mainframe hackers, used to handcrafting assembler and punching EBCDIC with their teeth. I don't want them to say "Binaries bigger than 1Mb? NBG".

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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