On Sunday 15 April 2012 15:37:15 Marco van de Voort wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 03:24:32PM +0200, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> > > Basically if you use "utf8string" you get a string that forces UTF-8.
> >
> > And if you use "String" (= AnsiString(CP_ACP) if my assumption about
> > current FPC trunk is correct) it forces it to the 8bit system encoding.
> > The only stringtype which does not enforce encoding is "RawByteString".
> > All "AFAIK" of course. ;-)
> That's correct. But in Windows, you use Windows functions for conversion,
> and CP_ACP is a valid value there. On *nix, you first have to find out what
> the local encoding is, and it seems that Mattias is detecting a problem
> there.
> Be careful with assuming too much about RawBytestring being a normal type.
> In Delphi it is afaik only used in parameters (and function return values),
> more or less as a kind of open array type.
> There are no variables of the type "rawbytestring" defined.
And probably Mattias is wrong if he thinks "String" in FPC trunk does not 
enforce encoding if I understood correctly.


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