On 25/09/12 11:01, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> I appreciate that there might be no guaranteed portable answer to this
> one, and FWIW I'm primarily interested in the Linux+X+KDE combination.
> If a program knows that something's going on that it might later need to
> tell the user about, e.g. that there's serial comms going on in the
> background even if the GUI's not being updated, is it possible to do
> anything that the LCL and lower levels will interpret similarly to
> keyboard and mouse activity in order to prevent a screen saver from
> kicking in?

xdg-screensaver is a script that you can use to control the screensaver
(seems to support all the ones I know).  It's in the xdg-utils package
on my system.  I don't know of a nicer way to do this and cover all the
bases, except to use dbus with org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver, most desktop
environments should work with that, I think.


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