On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Martin <laza...@mfriebe.de> wrote:
> IDECommandList.FindCategoryByName
> Have you registered it?
> look at EditorMacros, it does that

Thanks, Fixed it, and now it works properly :)
> On 28/01/2013 16:14, ik wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to register a new section for the key shortcut option:
>> https://github.com/ik5/split_lazarus/blob/master/src/untlazsplitview_code.pas#L42
>> Lazarus has the following exception because of it:
>> TApplication.HandleException Access violation
>>    Stack trace:
>>    $00000000012F08AE line 3540 of keymapping.pp
>>    $0000000001238DC8 line 370 of frames/editor_keymapping_options.pas
>>    $00000000012C0664 line 349 of ideoptionsdlg.pas
>>    $00000000012C071B line 355 of ideoptionsdlg.pas
>>    $00000000012C071B line 355 of ideoptionsdlg.pas
>>    $00000000012C0706 line 354 of ideoptionsdlg.pas
>>    $00000000012C071B line 355 of ideoptionsdlg.pas
>>    $00000000012C0453 line 366 of ideoptionsdlg.pas
>>    $00000000012C0924 line 397 of ideoptionsdlg.pas
>>    $0000000000A7789B line 4649 of main.pp
>>    $0000000000FDD349 line 463 of lazideintf.pas
>>    $0000000000A7731C line 4583 of main.pp
>>    $0000000000FD4FD1 line 580 of menuintf.pas
>>    $0000000000FDB724 line 1655 of menuintf.pas
>>    $0000000000CCD000 line 83 of include/menuitem.inc
>>    $0000000000CCDB7E line 278 of include/menuitem.inc
>>    $00000000009EA139
>> Lazarus 1.1 r40007M FPC 2.6.0 x86_64-linux-gtk 2
>> What am I doing wrong here ?
>> Thanks,
>> Ido
>> --
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